I want you to think about sculpting healthy lines along your body. First I want you to think about how you treat your body? Do you consume too much alcohol? Do you overeat? Do you immerse yourself into stressful situations on purpose? Do you harness too much negative energy? Do you talk negatively to yourself? Do you regularly look in the mirror and tell yourself you love yourself?
I want you to think of one Goddess that you envision yourself becoming more like.
Greek Goddesses:
Aphrodite Goddess of beauty
Athena Goddess of War and Wisdom
Hygeia Goddess of Health
Artemis Goddess of Hunting and Wilderness
I want you to take a good look at each Goddess and her powers and qualities. Circle the one you want to become more like.
I want you to fill out the next page with the name of the Goddess you want to become more like along your journey.